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Former MUFC player faces money laundering charges

Uğur Bayram

Aug 21, 2021

Former Manchester United midfielder Anderson Luis de Abreu Oliveira is facing charges of laundering approximately £4.7m in crypto money.

Former Manchester United midfielder Anderson Luis de Abreu Oliveira is facing charges of laundering approximately £4.7m in crypto money.
The investigation includes money launderers via cryptocurrencies and others fleeing the operation called Operation Criptoshow.
The prosecutor's office conducting the investigation is the Rio Grande do Sul State Attorney's Office.
It is known that Anderson also had an apartment and his personal computer was confiscated inside the houses, which were raided by the order of the prosecutors.
Anderson said he was involved in cryptocurrency trading but did not engage in any illegal activities.
Anderson's lawyer said:
"We haven't been called, it's hard to talk at the moment. There's an ongoing investigation, Anderson said he was aware. But Anderson will prove he's the victim, not the accomplice. That's his position."
It was known that 4.7 million pounds were stolen from the state stock exchange in these activities. According to prosecutors, money was deposited in many banks, and money was laundered by buying crypto from other countries.

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