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Dallas Mavericks rewards those who buy products with dogecoin

Uğur Bayram

Sep 1, 2021

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban has announced that he will launch a rewards program for fans who purchase items and tickets with Dogecoin to show their interest in dogecoin.

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban has announced that he will launch a rewards program for fans who purchase items and tickets with Dogecoin to show their interest in dogecoin. In his latest statement, he announced that he will give a $25 gift card to people who spend $150 on a pot.
Mark Cuban showed that he continues to support Dogecoin with this award. The team became the first in the league to accept dogecoin for both merchandise and ticket sales.
Cuban plans to increase its sales with Doge by adding new incentives to the program over time.
The Mavs Cryptomania program was scheduled to run from August 13 to September 20. Gift certificates can only be redeemed in the Dallas Mavericks online store.
After this program, it is said that Mavericks has completed more than 20,000 dogecoin transactions to date.
Dogecoin founder Shibtoshi Nakamotu said:
"As @mcuban said, if you want to support one of the first big name vendors to herald DOGE for acquisitions, it's ready for you."

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