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Walmart denies it will trade Litecoin

Şükriye Akdeniz

Sep 13, 2021

Walmart CEO denies allegations, saying Litecoin press release is fake

CEO Doug McMillon emphasized that the cryptocurrency industry is experiencing undeniable momentum right now.
“The momentum and excitement in the use of cryptocurrencies are undeniable. At Walmart, we are committed to doing everything we can to make online shopping easy for our customers. As a leading e-commerce store, we are committed to innovating the online shopping experience.”
Litecoin's market cap rose 25% in a press release today, with rumors that Walmart will accept Litecoin from October 1st.
However, Walmart reported that the press release sent by GlobeNewswire was not true.
Litecoin lost all its earnings within minutes after this fake press release claiming a partnership with the company.
A Walmart spokesperson confirmed that the press release was untrue.

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