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Vietnam is moving forward in Crypto Mining

Şükriye Akdeniz

Sep 6, 2021

Significant increase in crypto mining platforms in Vietnam

Vietnam is among the countries where coin mining is common. The cryptocurrency mining market in the country has revived with the rise in Bitcoin.
Crypto entrepreneurs in Vietnam have witnessed the increasing mining demands in the country. Quang Thuan, an owner of a chain store that sells cryptocurrency miners across Ho Chi Minh City, said the company's sales tripled in early September compared to the previous month.
Also, according to local crypto mining enthusiast Ngoc Van, the increased demand has triggered a notable growth in the price of crypto miners. The reason for this was that the prices of mining products had increased since last month.
The Vietnamese government has taken a skeptical stance about the cryptocurrency industry when the Ministry of Finance warned the public earlier this year that crypto is unregulated in the country. Despite the government's hesitation, Vietnam had the highest cryptocurrency adoption rate among 26 other countries in August.

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