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PayPal is now in the UK

Şükriye Akdeniz

Aug 23, 2021

PayPal Launches Crypto Service in the UK

Online payment platform Paypal is expanding its network of crypto services. The UK has also been added to the service locations of the payment giant serving in the USA. The UK is PayPal's first crypto expansion outside of the US. UK customers can now buy, sell or hold Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin from Monday.
British customers will be able to purchase £1 worth of crypto using their bank account, PayPal balance, or debit card via the crypto tab on PayPal's website and mobile app.
Digital payments giant Paypal launched its crypto services in the US in October 2020. The second country to access these services was the UK. Paypal CEO Dan Schulman said in a statement that crypto services will now cover shopping, financial services, and identification, thanks to a “super app” scheduled for launch in March.

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