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Litecoin: announced; LTC accepted wherever there is VISA

Şükriye Akdeniz

Nov 15, 2021

Litecoin, which is in the 14th place in terms of market volume, will now be in our lives in many daily transactions

Litecoin (LTC),k users can now make unlimited payments wherever VISA is valid. A tweet was published that Litecoin, the 14th crypto by market capitalization, is accepted wherever VISA is accepted. In the announcement, it was stated that the Litecoin card will convert from current value to fiat at the time of purchase.
Additionally, the Litecoin Foundation tweeted on November 14:
“LTC is accepted wherever there is VISA. Litecoin Card converts LTC at the time of purchase. You can also connect the card with Litewallet_App.”
Having the feature of being used in daily expenditures, has taken an important step in proximity to consumers. Litecoin, which was among the top ten cryptos by market capitalization for a long time after its establishment, has become a widely used crypto among users and investors.
The currency, which is traded under the code name LTC, can be used in online shopping, digital service purchases, and restaurants in addition to physical and retail sales points by using a Visa-enabled card. Also, according to the company's website, Litecoin's VISA debit card has converted crypto into dollars in real-time. On top of that, the firm stated that there will be no additional transaction fees or deposit fees for using the VISA debit card, but a $5 monthly fee.

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