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Hedge fund boss Ray Dalio: Speaks for Bitcoin

Uğur Bayram

Sep 14, 2021

Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio said in an interview that regulators would be bad for bitcoin and said:

Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio said in an interview that regulators would be bad for bitcoin and said:
I think at the end of the day if he's really successful, they'll finish him off. They will try to finish it and I think they will be able to finish it easily as there are ways to finish it.
And he added these words:
If you put cryptocurrencies or let's say Bitcoin into historical perspective… there was a lot of things that didn't have intrinsic value in the historical perspective.
Dalio also spoke about what El Salvador did, saying that China does not want cryptocurrencies:
If you're in El Salvador and you're talking about your alternative money, you know it's something different.
As it is known, Dalio said that he owns bitcoin in May, despite rejecting Bitcoin.

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