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CNBC star Jim Cramer announces Ethereum investment

Şükriye Akdeniz

Aug 27, 2021

Jim Cramer talked about Ethereum and said he has Ethereum in his portfolio

On Mad Money, the CNBC host made statements about the largest altcoin, Ethereum. Jim Cramer, a former hedge fund manager, also reported that he has Ethereum in his personal portfolio in addition to his views.
According to Cramer, investors should invest about 5% of their investment portfolio in crypto assets. Talking about Ethereum two months after he announced that he had sold all the Bitcoin assets in his portfolio, Jim Cramer made the following statements about ETH:
“I own Ethereum directly. I think you should own up to 5% of your portfolio in crypto. I believe in crypto.”
According to Jim Cramer, Ethereum is a reliable cryptocurrency and people can use ETH to buy things like NFT.
Apart from Ethereum, Cramer also talked about cryptocurrency exchanges. He shared his views on Coinbase's stock.
“I think Coinbase is cheap. I'm not very interested in management because when they started it took out a lot of stock. I was against this sale. They should have been buyers, not sellers. I think the list went very, very badly. I think the company is the natural repository of crypto.”

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