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Cardano Blockchain explorer lists over 200 smart contracts

Şükriye Akdeniz

Sep 17, 2021

More than 200 smart contracts have been listed on Cardano's Blockchain explorer after Alonzo made its update on September 13

However, these smart contracts are under time lock and developers will not be able to use the contracts until they are unlocked.
Launched in 2017, smart contracts were a key feature for Cordano and have been expected for a while. It was finally launched with the Alonzo hard fork.
On September 17, Cardano and IOHK founder Charles Hoskinson emphasized in a statement that Cardano's support of smart contracts means opening the DeFi space to everyone.
Hoskinson made statements about the second wave of DeFi:
“We need governance, documentation, insurance, and regulation around them. It also needs decentralization.”
And added:
“We built Cardano for the second wave.”
Several other leading projects have also launched or plan to launch time-locked smart contracts.

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