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Attention, users of these applications can be defrauded

Şükriye Akdeniz

Aug 21, 2021

Summary: Some of the crypto-mining apps contain harmful content, it may be a matter of time before you get scammed

Fraud cases, which are likely to occur in every sector, are also frequent in the crypto sector. Although the platform used is subject to established infrastructure, regulated codes, and a lot of derivative applications, malicious people who can access crypto platforms can miss many digital assets without users noticing. The number of people defrauded, especially through applications downloaded to phones, has increased recently. If you are an android device user, we recommend that you remove the following applications from your phone as soon as possible.
Android users who are interested in cryptocurrencies may have encountered applications where they can earn income by simply clicking on ads. Some apps deceive users into subscribing to services whose average cost is almost $15. These applications have also started to emerge as applications that can help with cryptocurrency mining, which has gained popularity recently.
Trend Micro, the American-Japanese multinational cybersecurity software company, said in a statement that there were eight malicious applications bundled with malware and adware. Responding to the findings, Google removed these apps from the Play Store. However, users who have downloaded these apps before have to delete them manually.
Here is the list of malicious apps:
o BitFunds – Crypto Cloud Mining
o Bitcoin Miner – Cloud Mining
o Bitcoin (BTC) – Pool Mining Cloud Wallet
o Crypto Holic – Bitcoin Cloud Mining
o Daily Bitcoin Rewards – Cloud Based Mining System
o Bitcoin 2021
o MineBit Pro – Crypto Cloud Mining & BTC miner
o Ethereum (ETH) – Pool Mining Cloud
In addition, according to Trend Micro's statement, two of the 8 applications are paid. In other words, those who download these applications are defrauded by paying money. However, this is thought to be done for a kind of trust-building.
Crypto Holic – Bitcoin Cloud Mining is priced at $12.99 and the Daily Bitcoin Rewards app is priced at $5.99.

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