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Argentina Central Bank Governor speaks for crypto

Uğur Bayram

Sep 2, 2021

At a meeting organized by the Argentine Fintech Chamber, Miguel Pesce said that the Central Bank of Argentina will be watching cryptocurrencies closely.

At a meeting organized by the Argentine Fintech Chamber, Miguel Pesce said that the Central Bank of Argentina will be watching cryptocurrencies closely.
According to Pesce, the central bank governor, one of the biggest problems of cryptocurrencies is rapid price changes.
Yapılan toplantıda Pesce, fintech ve kripto para birimlerinin artan önemi hakkında düşündüklerini söyledi. Pesce, kripto para birimlerinin gelişimi konusunda endişeli olduğunu söyledi.
According to Pesce, rapid price changes should not occur in any currency. Pesce said:
This is how the Central Bank works. The person can receive the payment as he wishes. Therefore, people may prefer to receive payments with cryptocurrencies.
In short, according to Pesce, Governor of the Central Bank of Argentina, cryptocurrencies should be monitored and rapid price changes should be prevented.

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