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Anchorage hires former Wells Fargo digital asset manager for Banking and Capital Markets

Uğur Bayram

Aug 25, 2021

Anchorage has hired Ken Chapman for its director of banking and capital markets products.

Anchorage has hired Ken Chapman for its director of banking and capital markets products. Ken Chapman was previously the digital assets manager at Wells Fargo.
Chapman said:
"My primary role will be to help Anchorage handle the massive demand it receives from banks for its services, including custody, trading, and lending." “I will also help banks look at a different paradigm for settlement by using the blockchain as a rail.”
Chapman said he thinks banks will set up facilities to give loans to their customers against crypto collateral in the future.
Chapman said of the Currency Control Office:
“Anchorage is the first digital asset company to receive a federal statute from the OCC,” he said. “This is the same charter that other banks like BNY Mellon use… I'm moving from a traditional bank to a digital asset bank, but it's still a bank.”

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