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Actress Reese Witherspoon Announces Investing in Ethereum (ETH)

Uğur Bayram

Sep 2, 2021

Reese Witherspoon, the world's richest American Actress, who starred in hits such as Legally Blonde and Cruel Intentions, announced on Twitter that she bought RTH.

Reese Witherspoon, the world's richest American Actress, who starred in hits such as Legally Blonde and Cruel Intentions, announced on Twitter that she bought RTH.
This tweet became a hot topic in the cryptocurrency community and caught the attention of investors. Bitcoin lovers, on the other hand, insisted that Witherspoon looks at BTC.
It is currently unknown why Witherspoon received ETH. The actress is known to have $400 million in assets, she invested in ETH as she thought of investing differently according to thoughts.

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