Şükriye Akdeniz
Sep 15, 2021
NowSwap hacked, the company said to have lost over $1M in funding

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NowSwap was hacked and lost more than $1 million in funding, analytical research group PeckShield said in a statement.
The attackers are among those known to have stolen 535,000 USDT and 158 WETH. USDTs are converted to ETH via 1-inch distributed network service. It was also announced that it was transferred to the Ethernet Square anonymous trading platform Tornado Cash. Hackers are said to have used an invalid 'K' value check in NowSwap's binary contract to attack the protocol.
“@nowswap_org has been hacked in leading to about $1M loss of funds. The attacker made use of an invalid K value check in the pair contract of NowSwap. However, the contract is not open source”

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